"The Painting..."
I've called this post "The Painting" for a reason. A lot of people look at this picture and think that its a photo of a painting. This shot was taken at my friend's house long time back, the lighting grabbed my attention so I just snapped it.
Anyways hope u enjoy this post...
Anyways hope u enjoy this post...

PS: Excuse the quality of this picture, it's of very low quality and has alot of noise in it.
All Shots are taken by Me (Basil Khleif)
can I steal the picture ? it's very nice and really amazing ....
I always wanted to be a Photographer :(
amazing! love the shades of green.. lighting is perfect and the shot is so artistic!
beautiful basil! and the quality does nothing more than enhance the intensity in the pic, the haziness looks like its coming from a dream.. keif bil cartoon bisawroolak heaven lol cloudy foggy vision :D
Nice :)
6al3a 3anjad painting
mesh 2aleel :P
Simsim, Of course u can steal the pic :P
thanks for passing by and its never too late to start ur dream to become a photographer..
Proudpali, thanks for the support appreciate it and glad ur always coming back...
THe Mo, I'm glad u agree. and thanks
When I read the title 'The Painting', I then looked at the pic without reading your comment and assumed it was a painting. I think also the black background reinforces the look. When I put it on full I could tell that it was a pic, rather than a painting.
Oh yeh i forgot to mention, keep up the good work! Your pics are very nice.
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